Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lá na Gaeilge-Mí na Samhna

Inné lá na gaeilge. Niamh Beatty agus Matthew Flartay O' Conner were the best gaeilge speakers.
Bhí mo rang ag sugradh "Cé Mise?" Bhí Catherine an mhaith fresin. Beidh Late Late Toy ShowhAoine. Our teacher said"Our class is the best class at Irish and Fractions.Tá sé fuar inniú.

BY Catherine agus Niamh !!!!!!!!......

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Which shape is which?

We had a lot of fun matching sentences with shapes. Do you know which shape has 6 corners?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Life in 3D

We know the names of the 3 D shapes.....but can we make them?

Friday, November 14, 2008

school news from Luke and Shane

Hello, my name is Shane.

Our school started doing a program

called 'Hip Kidz'. We finished our first 6 weeks

but then we got 2 EXTRA weeks!!

Also ,we got these radical cards from

Cara'n`Bola to change our lunches

and there are new MATCH ATTAX for

the new season. The best is 101 defence

and 101 attack.

Hello, my name is Luke. I am nine years old .

We started a new book called:Georges Marvellous

Medicine! Our class finished the 1st chapter

and I do athletics with the school. I am doing it today.

Shane and I have the Tores card in Match Attax.