Thursday, May 07, 2009

Robbber Redbreast

Robber Redbreast is a big time crook: See article below.

Robber Redbrest is a
well known villain. He
is notorious for seven
attemps to rule the woods.
Local officers, Lance Lark
and David Dove are on the
case. If you see this crook,
CALL: 111 111 1111
Do not fight this beutiful beast
as his beak is sharp!

"I can't believe someone is actualy reading this newspaper."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lá le Pádraig

Today we went out marching around Tirellan it was quite tiring . My class were playing the tinwhistle . Some of the girls where doing the majorettes and a lot of them dropped the pom-poms on the ground . The only insturment's that I heard was the belyra and base drum and normal drum. I was so tired when I came back that I FELL ASLEEP for 2MINS . I saw lot's of rubbish so rang a 3 , glanaigí!
BY Aoife and John goodbye for now ???!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Recipy for a Dad

250g of cool
100g of care
50g of anger
50g of money
50g of education
250g of kindness
100g of playness
50g of helpness
50g of love
50g of happieness
= a great DAD

Incredible Edibles Week 2

The lettuce is recovering well from last week's fall....!
The cabbage is growing quite nicely aswell.

The strawberry plants look very healthy.
No sign of the spuds yet....!

To Rang a 3 i Scoil Dara

Hello Daniel's rang i Scoil Dara , an bhfuil sibh go maith?
This is Shane and Dáire in Rang a 3 Scoil san Phroinsias.
We got your e-mail (Daniel) and thank you for that e-mail.
We hope your class have a good time on our blog.

Cén leabhar did we léamh i November?

Cén crime did Mark do?
Thank you by Shane and Dáire.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Lettuce lives

Today is the 6/3/09

The pressure is getting to me. My name is Mark and I am guilty as charged.
I knocked the lettuce, me, nobody else. Should I tell? NO, I can't, nobody can know about my crime. Or should I? Oh my God, these pants make me look fat! This is my punishment for knocking that lettuce. I am sorry God, I am sorry classmates, I am sorry world.
My pants are getting smaller, I have been forgiven, free of charge!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Incredible Edibles

Agri Aware sent us strawberry crowns , potatoes , cabbage seeds , lettuce seeds , scallion seeds , 2 big black bags , 4 long pots , 2 round small pots and 2 bags of compost. We planted them yesterday. We put in the compost first and then we put in the seeds,potatoes and strawberries. We first of all dug up little holes in the compost . Then we put in the seeds or plants into the holes . After that we covered the holes with compost . Then we watered them with water . After that we brought them by the window and from today we have to water them regularly.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Mid Term Break

On my mid term break I went down to my mums best freinds house to see Frank and his kids.

He has 5 kids called Séan Rebeca Matthew Jake and of course Adam.

Séan is mainley my friend.And Jake is Bens.Adam is only a baby.Matthew is a fully grown man hes really strong.Rebeca is a girl and we dont see her much.And Frank is there father.When me and Ben went home we played the playstation for 1 hour.We played finding Nemo Séan and Jake are the best people I have ever seen playing the playstation they cleared every game I have.At the mid term break I learned how to cook chips, sausages,mince and shepardspie. During the mid term Steve fixed my bike because i had no breaks.And I was playing all day with it me and my friend Ryan Daily and Keith Daily.One night during the mid term brek I stayed in my aunty Susans house thats Hannahs mum.I didint really want to stay there because I dont like BallyBane because I dont know any one over there.There is no kids to play with. And we are back to school now and thats why im typeing this work right know. GOOD BYE.

My Mid Term Break

The Friday that we got our mid term break I stayed in my nanas ,the next morning we went to town. I got some toys ,after that we went to Supermacs and had food . On Sunday my mum had to go for her nct and after that we went to the novena we got a holy medal and the children got
a blessing . And all the rest of the week was dredfully boring .And thats my mid term break, good bye .

Friday, February 06, 2009

Spring Clean Up 2009

We played our part on Wednesday 4th February 2009 and helped to clean up the whole school. Here we are in action.


We had a lot of fun learning about Ancient Egypt, so much fun that we decided to write our own heiroglyphics!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It is very hard to explain what a line of symmetry is...but we eventually managed it in Rang a 3! This is what we came up with: a line of symmetry is a line that divides something into 2 parts and one part is an exact mirror image of the other, if folded on this line of symmetry.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Getting Creative in rang a 3

For art we did something really creative. We used black paper, newspaper and paint. We could make anything we liked. I, Tommy, did a boy, a tree and a dog with snow falling down.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Electric Fun

Electricity. In January we made electricity using batteries, bulbs and wire. It was quite a lot of fun. By connecting the wire to the battery and another wire to the bulb we made a circuit. Therefore the bulb lit but when we broke the circuit the bulb did not light.

January's news

We have had a very busy month. Christmas was very enjoyable, but since we came back to school in January, we have been busy, busy, busy. My name is Michelle. I was sick last week. We were learning about Ancient Egypt. And we were learning about eletricity . It was really fun learning about
it . We were learnig about the time today. Klaudia M. was teaching me the time and it was really hard. Klaudia M. was really nice. We were learning the Angelus. We made a ordinary nail into a magnet by just using eletricity. All we
had to do was to wrap a wire around the nail. We attached the ends of the wire to a battery! And it stuck together-we had a great time, it was brillient . We are reading ESIOT TROT. We are having a really fabulous time . Written by Tommy and Michelle.